Understanding Tenant Satisfaction Measures:

Your Guide to Better Social Housing

  • What are TSMs?
  • What are the measures?
  • What We're Focusing On

In spring 2023, a new way to improve social housing came into play. It's called Tenant Satisfaction Measures, or TSMs for short.

These measures are all about making sure you're happy with your home and the service you receive as a valued customer.

What TSMs mean for Aspire?


Think of TSMs as our report card. They show you how well we're doing our job and give you a clear way to hold us accountable. Plus, they help the regulator spot any areas where we might need to up our game.

We want you to know that these measures are all about making Aspire Housing better for you, from our homes to our housing services and even our Aspire team.

There are 22 TSMs in total, and they cover two main areas:


  1. Your Voice (12 measures)
    This is where you get to tell us how we're doing. Are you happy with our repairs? Do you feel we handle complaints well? Your honest feedback helps us improve.

  2. Our Performance (10 measures)
    These are based on facts and figures about our service. For example, how many of our homes meet the Decent Homes standard, or how we're handling any neighbourhood issues.

At Aspire, we're using TSMs to make sure we're on top of what matters most to you:


•  Keeping your home in tip-top shape with great repairs

•  Ensuring your building is safe and high-quality

•  Treating you with respect and being helpful whenever you need us

•  Handling any complaints quickly and fairly

•  Making sure your locality and neighbourhood is a great place to live

Our latest TSM Results

To see our annual summary of results for 2023/24, simply click the button below and select "Annual Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs)" from the drop down menu beneath the "Financial Information, Reports and Policies" section.
The results below show our  latest results for April - June 2024, we will update our live results four times a year.



Overall Satisfaction

Overall Satisfaction


of customers living in rented homes are satisfied with the overall service provided by Aspire.






of customers said they are treated fairly and with respect.


of customers said they are satisfied that they are kept informed about the things that matter to them.


of customers said they are satisfied that we listen to their views and act on them.


Building Safety

Building Safety



of homes met the Decent Homes Standard on March 31st 2024.


of customers said they are satisfied that they are kept informed about the things that matter to them.


of customers said they are satisfied that we listen to their views and act on them.





of customers were satisfied with their overall repairs service over the last 12 months.


of customers were satisfied with the time it took to complete their most recent repair.


of customers are satisfied their home is well maintained.









Cog Spanner






of customers are satisfied that we provide a home which is safe.




of emergency repairs were completed within target.




of non-emergency repairs were completed within target.






of customers are satisfied with Aspire's approach to complaints handling.


On average, Aspire received 84 complaints per 1,000 homes in Q1 of 2024/25 (stage 1 and 2 complaints).


of Stage 1 complaints were completed within ten working days.


of Stage 2 complaints were completed within 20 working days.






of customers are satisfied we keep communal areas clean and well maintained.


of customers are satisfied we make a positive contribution to neighbourhoods.


of customers are satisfied with Aspire's ASB handling approach.


cases of ASB were reported per 1,000 homes so far in Q1 2024/25.