Everyone should feel safe in their own home 

We want everyone living in or around an Aspire Housing home to be able to go about their everyday life without feeling upset, scared, or intimidated. 

We know that sometimes anti-social behaviour, also known as ASB can stop this from happening. When it does, we want to know about it, as there are lots of things we can do to help. 

What is Anti-Social Behaviour?

Drug Use and Dealing
Drug Use and Dealing
Offensive Behaviour
Offensive Behaviour
Gun and Knife Crime
Gun and Knife Crime
Hate Related Behaviour
Hate Related Behaviour
Violence or Threats of Violence
Violence or Threats of Violence
Verbal Abuse or Harassment
Verbal Abuse or Harassment
Vehicle Nuisance
Vehicle Nuisance
Noise/nuisance Record sheets
Noise/Nuisance Record sheets

Further Support

Anti-Social Behaviour


Are you an Aspire Housing customer?


Do you have an online account?

Yes No

Good Neighbour Guide

Being a good neighbour means being tolerant, and understanding other people’s views and lifestyles, it also means considering how our behaviour affects others.

Read the Guide

Mental Health Support

We have support available if you are struggling with your mental health.

Find Support

Frequently Asked Questions

What is not considered to be anti-social behaviour?

Have a look at our anti-social behaviour toolkit for a full list of what is and isn't considered to be anti-social behaviour, along with the next steps to take.

Who can I contact anti-social behaviour outside of normal working hours?

If you need to report anti-social behaviour outside normal working hours, please fill in our online form on your online account and our team will address it the next working day.

If you are affected by noise during the night, please contact your local Council Environmental Health team.

Why should I have mediation with my neighbour?

Mediation is a helpful way to resolve disputes between neighbours. Mediators are trained, independent, impartial, and non-judgmental individuals who can assist in resolving differences.

If you've been asked to consider mediation, please know that it is often a quick and effective way to address the anti-social behaviour issue you're experiencing. It also helps the person causing the behaviour understand its impact on you.

We will only offer mediation when we believe it is appropriate. We will not usually offer mediation in cases where violence has been involved.

Will you evict my neighbour if they have been breached their tenancy agreement?

We will only take legal action to evict a customer as a last resort, typically after we have tried every other way to resolve the anti-social behaviour issue. In very rare cases, we may seek eviction immediately, such as in cases involving the conviction of a serious crime, including (but not limited to) the supply of Class A drugs, cultivation of Class B drugs, murder, or serious assault.

Research shows that most cases are resolved through early intervention. This can include warning letters, meetings with the person involved to discuss the reported issues, referrals to support agencies, and mediation.

When appropriate, we collaborate with other agencies to resolve anti-social behaviour issues, such as Environmental Health and the police. These agencies have additional powers, such as noise abatement notices, fixed penalty notices, and property closure orders, which they can use to help address the problems.

Why do I need to complete an incident diary?

It is important to keep a record of anti-social behaviour incidents so we can measure and monitor the situation, helping us decide on the appropriate action to take.

The diary is especially crucial if we determine that taking legal action against the person responsible is both proportionate and reasonable. We will need this detailed information to demonstrate the extent and seriousness of the problem to the judge.

The quality of the records you keep in the diary is vital to our success if the matter goes to court. Therefore, it’s important to include as much detail as possible about each incident.

You can download our Noise/Nuisance diaries here or find them on our Resources page.

How many incidents diaries will I need to complete before action is taken?

We will usually act right away when you first report anti-social behaviour. Our initial response will often involve speaking to the other party and may include sending them a warning letter to remind them of the terms of their tenancy agreement.

Does my neighbour have to know that it’s me who has complaints?

We will treat your report confidentially and will consult with you before sharing any information with others. Occasionally, we may need to share your information with other agencies such as the Police, Social Services, or a medical professional without your permission. This could happen, for example, if there is a safeguarding concern involving you, a child, or another vulnerable adult.

While we strive to protect your identity, you must be realistic. For instance, if your complaint is about noise nuisance, it may not be too difficult for your neighbor to figure out who has complained. Additionally, if the case goes to court and you agree to give a witness statement, the alleged perpetrator will receive a copy of it and will therefore know who you are.

We will discuss any action we plan to take with you before proceeding to ensure that you are in agreement with our approach.

Will you respond to anonymous reports?

If you choose to report anonymously, we will not be able to contact you if we need more information or to inform you of our actions. This may affect the amount of evidence we can collect for a case and limit the actions we can take.

I think my other neighbours are affected, what can I do?

Depending on the nature of the ASB report, we will:

  • Write to neighbours, informing them of the reports and asking them to contact us if they are also affected.
  • Conduct door knocking to determine if others are affected or have witnessed anything.
  • Collaborate with external agencies to identify who is responsible for causing the anti-social behaviour problems.

Can I move to get away from anti-social behaviour?

If the anti-social behaviour is severe enough that you fear for staying in your home, please contact us to discuss your concerns.

We will not relocate you or the other person involved as a means of resolving the issue (except in exceptional circumstances), but we are committed to addressing the problem. We may implement various protective measures to help you stay in your home, such as installing extra security or applying to the court for an injunction against the alleged perpetrator.

You can choose to look for rehousing if you feel this is the right decision for you. However, if there is an outstanding issue regarding your tenancy, such as rent arrears, you will need to resolve this before moving.

You have known about the anti-social behaviour issue that I have been suffering for years. Why have you not taken any action sooner?

It may seem like we're not addressing an anti-social behaviour issue once it's been reported to us, but please be assured that this is not the case. The reason we might not have resolved a particular anti-social behaviour issue could be because the person reporting it is either unwilling or unable to provide more information or evidence to support the allegations.

Without witness testimonies and evidence that people are willing for us to use in court, our ability to act is limited. We cannot address these issues alone; we rely on support from those affected to build our case against the alleged perpetrator.

Additionally, there may be reports of anti-social behaviour that are not considered as such or do not constitute a nuisance. This often occurs with allegations of noise when the accused denies making any noise and there is no independent evidence, or when there are conflicting versions of the truth with no independent witnesses.

Am I responsible for anti-social behaviour by my visitors?

Under the terms of your tenancy agreement, you are responsible for the behaviour of individuals living with you or visiting your property. If your visitors cause a nuisance or annoyance to others in your area, it could affect your tenancy.

If you're aware that someone living with you or visiting is engaging in anti-social behaviour, it's your responsibility to take reasonable steps to address it by asking them to stop. Failure to resolve the issue may lead us to consider acting against you and your tenancy, potentially resulting in you losing your home.

What happens if I’m evicted for anti-social behaviour?

An eviction for anti-social behaviour is a serious matter and can only occur if a court orders it.

In such a situation, you will be considered 'intentionally homeless,' which means your eviction could have been avoided if you had not caused the issue. As a result, the Local Authority may not allocate you another home. Additionally, you may encounter difficulties being rehoused in the private landlord sector because we would be unable to provide you with a positive reference.

Success stories

Latest News

Tackling Anti-Social Behaviour

Everyone should feel safe in their own home We want everyone living in or around an Aspire Housing home to be...

Anti-social behaviour

ASB positive news story

One of our Locality Coordinators, Amy Jones, has shared a story about anti-social behaviour and how it was...